Friday, October 21, 2011

:: Friday for Family (E-5) ::

I come from a big family...2 elder brothers; 3 younger sisters & 3 younger brothers...

My family extended when my 2 elder brothers got married & they are blessed with 2 children each....errr my eldest actually has three (3) but the youngest one was only 'borrowed' for 30 days only

As for myself - my extended family consists of 2 step daughters & son-in-laws...yup they both grown-ups already!

I was once blessed with opportunity to carry my 1st (and only for now) son - again borrowed - who I gave birth prematurely at 5 months pregnancy & didn't survive.

We tend to forget that we have other extended family that we rarely remembered
most of you actually has one too or maybe two, three, four 
- and the number goes on.... 
even if u r still single not married 
or single but not available 
or single & available 
or single but not looking
or on whatever status you want to go by!
the family today under my care is
none other than
(pic from Google)

my husband's Nissan X-trail....that is being serviced now


Its Friday :)


  1. kalau ada duit harus juga diriku ingin memiliki kereta yang sama

  2. Insya Allah...suatu hari nanti; tak pun mintak posting kat Labuan...boley beli murah sket :P
