Tuesday, June 18, 2013

:: Precious Gift ::

It has been ages since I last updated this blog. Yesterday was 27 Rejab 1434H. The anniversary of the first world astronout - the Prophet Muhammad PBUH - went to Sidrotul Muntaha. Also the day that the 5-times-a-day prayers become compulsory for Muslims. Rasulullah and his teachings as well as the kitab Al-Quran from Allah SWT are the precious gifts for all Muslims.

The precious gift am blogging today is purely related to my own life. 31 December 2012 was the third day that I spent in the ward at Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre KL accompanying my husband who got an infection that requires an emergency surgery. He was admitted on 29 Dec after he came back from his 'culinary' trip in JB. History shows - in my husband case - he will be admitted to hospital for surgery after he has had the most wonderful sea food dish. Once, he had good big prawns at JR cafe in Kerteh b4 he was admitted for appendicitis. This time he had lobsters! Anyways, the surgery went well and he recovered fast Alhamdulillah.

OK! back to my story....I actually had an appointment with my endocronologist in the morning. Has been seeing her since I was first diagnosed as Diabetics Type 2. Every month, she will ask same questions...hows your sugar control? How your jab area? How about your period? etc. It just happened that I have missed my period since October but all the home Pregnancy Test (HPT) I did twice in November and once in the mid December came back negative :(

Honestly, I wasnt put such high hopes knowing how difficult for us to conceive and as age is catching up - gonna be 39 yo this year - but I dont know what triggered me that day, I just said to myself...well why not check again.

As my husband was busy chatting with his friend who came to visit him, I quietly used the bathroom and used one last HPT kit that I brought with me. My tears trickled down my cheek as I looked with disbelief...

This pic was taken after my second test...yupp...I went to buy new HPT kit just to reconfirm and only after that I broke the news to my husband.

Thank You Allah for this precious gift. Insya Allah, we will be having a little boy in this year 2013. While being grateful to the AlMighty for his new gift, Al-Fatihah to my first son Muhammad Haziq Zayyad - who could have been three yo this year - who is also Allah great gift for both us but now in Jannah.

May my remaining pregnancy journey be a smooth one insya Allah. Aameen Ya Robbal 'Alamin!